Welcome Alumnae Members
Welcome to Alumna Membership! As you continue your journey of sisterhood, new opportunities are open to you as an alumna member. Your close associations with women who share our Purpose can continue as you make your way in this great new world.
First, We need to know where to find you!
1. Update your contact information with IHQ by logging into myAlphaGam and clicking “Edit my profile.” Or you can send your new contact information to info@alphagammadelta.org
2. Update your contact information with the Delta Theta Alumnae Chapter by completing this form. We prefer a non-school email, please also include your cell phone#, and mailing address.
3. Bookmark and follow the Delta Theta website and social media profiles! We share lots of information and want you to know where to find it.
Members and non-members are encouraged to submit a Recruitment Information Form (RIF) for Potential New Members (PNM) who embody our values. RIFs are the new Recommendation Form—also known as a "rec." Upon completion, this form will be forwarded to the selected chapter. Recruitment Information Forms are not a requirement—nor do they guarantee membership—but they are beneficial to our chapters when filled out as completely as possible.
Please note: Online submissions are preferred and the Fraternity has created a new, easy to use online form!
Your Alumnae Dues contribution of $40 a year supports the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation's many Fraternity initiatives, from collegiate chapter development, extension opportunities and volunteer training and alumnae programming. You can make your payment online or by mail. It’s a small price to pay for sisterhood!
Your Alumnae Chapter Dues contribution of $20 a year supports our individual Delta Theta Chapter directly. These contributions help us provide outreach and support to our Chapter Collegiate and Alumnae Members, host special events and class reunions, sponsor scholarships and service recognition awards, and cover our operational costs. Dues paid to IHQ are separate from those paid to the Delta Theta Alumnae Chapter.
You can pay your Delta Theta Alumnae Chapter Dues
Your Alpha Gamma Delta Acorn access offers free personal and professional development generously provided by the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation.
There are many ways for Alumnae of all eras and location get involved with Alpha Gamma Delta. More information about these programs is available online at
or Contact IHQ at alumnae@alphagammadelta.org
As life beyond college can seem overwhelming and intimidating at first, sisters transitioning into the life-long alumnae experience are especially welcome. Use the Chapter Locator to find an Alumnae or Collegiate Chapter near you!
Alumnae groups exist in many cities and boast members of all ages and initiating chapters. Alumnae chapters are usually associated with a collegiate chapter, hosting educational and philanthropic events, curating ways to meet new sisters, and stay active in the Fraternity.
Rosebuds groups are formed by sisters living in the same geographic area; planning informal group activities, play dates, community service opportunities, etc. Rosebud Groups are a great way to informally stay involved and support your sisters as you share the journeys of personal and professional life and growth as Alumnae Members.
The Rose Sister Program is a virtual alumnae group created to reach out to Alpha Gamma Delta sisters who live in areas where no organized Alumnae or Collegiate groups exist. Rose Sisters live throughout the world and connect online through a Facebook page. The Rose Sisters plan several online activities to encourage participation and keep members connected to the Fraternity.
Pearl Sisters join the future extension efforts of Alpha Gamma Delta as the Fraternity establishes new or returning charters on college campuses. Pearl Sisters are matched to new members providing encouragement throughout the new member period. There are no geographic limits for Pearl Sisters!
Volunteering for Alpha Gamma Delta has so many benefits! You can make an impact on others, reconnect or build new connections with sisters and even develop skills that will enhance your career worth.
Alpha Gam Book Club members enjoy books, build community and explore themes relevant and important to modern women. Join Sisters locally and virtually! Each month a new book is posted to the Facebook group.
You’ve been there—you know the importance of dedicated advisors to the success of a collegiate chapter! It’s a great way to stay involved in the campus and with collegians of a nearby chapter.
Loyally, Your Delta Theta Alumnae Chapter Officers